
The first Private combined Field and Structural Fire response group in the Western Cape South Africa

DFW Pro Fire and Rescue is the first private combined field and structural fire response group in the Western Cape, South Africa. As a registered non-profit entity, our dedicated teams provide fire suppression and emergency medical response services in the Greater Drakenstein Municipal area.

Equipped with 4×4 trucks and SUVs, our skilled teams have successfully handled numerous fires and emergencies. Our focus extends beyond fire suppression, as we also have a dedicated medical response team and strong partnerships with security providers.

Operating in a command structure that covers a large area and serves over 430,000 residents, we have responded to hundreds of serious fires and accidents in the past 6 years. Our team members possess expertise in various fields such as medical, legal, military, and firefighting.

DFW relies on donations, memberships, and remunerations to sustain our operations. We have established strategic alliances with Drakenstein Municipality, security role players, insurers, and others to serve our community effectively.

Our services include responding to fire incidents, emergency medical accidents, and addressing social or crime-related issues. We are proud to be accredited by numerous insurance companies, reflecting our capabilities in fire suppression, disaster management, and rescue operations.

DFW operates round-the-clock with communication links that connect us with over 600 farms, Estates and businesses, ensuring a timely and efficient response. Our primary focus is to provide fast and effective fire and rescue response, protecting life, property, crops, and structures in the rural farms of Paarl and Wellington.

As a privately-run organization, we have the flexibility to allocate resources and prioritize efforts. Our philosophy revolves around sharing Christian values, acting as “bridge builders” in our complex society, and bringing about positive change through acts of kindness, humanitarian aid and emergency medical and fire response to those in need.

To support our emergency response teams and maintain top-notch equipment, running DFW Pro Fire and Rescue incurs significant costs. We welcome any assistance that can be provided.

Membership and sponsorship opportunities are available for both farms and businesses. House owners and housing/security estates can also benefit from subscription plans tailored to their needs.

For more information, you can contact us via email, visit our Facebook page, or reach us through the provided phone numbers. Join us as a member and enjoy the benefits of direct contact 24/7.

Visit our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/DrakensteinFW.NPC